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What Do Bookies Want to Be When They Grow Up?

Happy Wednesday Book-O-Sphere!!

Because May is Graduation month, we want to give a big shout out and CONGRATULATIONS to all of this years graduates! You have accomplished something incredible and you should be very proud of yourselves!!

Now the fun part begins….you have your degree in your hot little hands and now you have to try to figure out what to do with it. For a lucky few, you already have a job lined up and a career path in mind. But for the majority of graduates, there are so many career options and enticing fields to get into that you aren’t sure where to start.

Welp, we stumbled across a fabulous article from PopSugar recently that is exceptionally relevant for any book lover who is graduating and not sure what to get into. Their article, 9 Jobs Bookworms Will Love, is available online and we have selected our TOP 3 FAVORITES for you below. 

1) Librarian – We’re choosing the most obvious as our top choice because, hey, you get to interact with books and people who love books all day every day! What could be better?! The best part is there is room for advancement and you can work your way up the library ladder!

2) Publisher or Editor- Just think of all of the perks of working for a book publishing or book editing company! The possibilities are endless and you get to see the books hot off the press. Can you imagine?? New releases constantly and you get to contribute to improving the world of books! Sounds perfect!

3) English Professor – Want to pass along your love of learning and love of reading to young minds? Want to help someone discover their passion for books the way that you already have? Becoming a teacher or professor is an amazing way to give back and earn a living at the same time!

At the end of the day, remember – you might not (and likely won’t) land your dream job right out of college. You will have to work hard to get to where you want to be but the absolute best advice we can give to our recent graduate followers is to find a job that you love doing. Sure, you need a job to pay your bills, but follow your heart and do what you love because if you get up every day and work for something that you love (wink, wink – books!), you will never feel like you are ever working! This is the secret to life!

And because we know that you recent grads are dying to get your hands on some new books but are operating on a budget (at least for now until you become millionaires and conquer the world), we have a special discount for you to use at!

Again, congratulations!!!

This is just the beginning of your journey and we can’t wait to see the places you’ll go!!

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